Why is a search term so relevant to the World Wide Web? Every Tuesday we will insert a term and photos to educate public awareness, why a business uses the words they do to describe the facility. More often than not one of the photos which may appear could be silly or one we may dislike. Unfortunately stripper seems to be a term used and abused regularly, and rightfully so. Free speech entitles any of us to say what we believe, advertise in a fashion to attract the audience we seek. Would we at Billy Deans Showtime Cafe prefer Gentlemen’s Club? Of course! However the average person will not find us as often. Stripper and Strip Club is searched by far more than any other term related to the industry when folks type in what they are searching for. As businesses find it more difficult to be located among the billions of websites in the world hopefully the public may find our small website in the large Universe by searching with certain keywords. This of course is not the stripper you were searching for however we will demonstrate in the weeks to come many oddities we have found for all the “slang” our industry is noted for. Topless, Titty Bar so on and so forth, you get the idea.
We feature beautiful Long Island college girls from Hofstra, Nassau, Adelphi, Suffolk and C.W. Post dancing every Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights. Doors open at 10pm.